Thursday, December 25, 2008

Staring the year off with new beginings

So of course, Christmas this year with The Gielow's was most def NOT traditional at all! We got asked to house sit for some friends and we've been here for the past week. Joshua is actually picking them up from the airport as I am writing this. It's been really great, almost like we won a free vacation. ha except we're spending it in good 'ole KC!!! hahaha So back to the whole unconventional Christmas thing. We opened all our presents on Christmas Eve, while watching Christmas with the Kranks, Christmas in Connecticut and Horton hears a Who, with papa john's sweet pizza, ohh and while snuggling I might add! We've been through the ringer the past few months, ever since we've gotten back from tour with Radiant. We knew by the time January came, big things were in store for us, but we didn't assume friendships would be severed in the process for standing in the gap on behalf of righteousness. So currently, without making it to vague, but also not wanting to give away our plans, we're looking for a place to live, new work and possibility of moving back to yes, California... OH and I finally came around! I officially want a baby! And suuuuuper bad I might add! Joshua and I have been trying for the past 2 months, and i've been reading books on how-to organic pregnancies and pouring over health based diets and talking to all the God-fearing mommies I can find! Pretty much all day long, Joshua and i have either been watching tons of you-tubed Christmas movies, napping or baking cookies in anticipation in the return of the Henry's. Well i'm gonna go back to reading my new Christmas present, The Complete Organic Pregnancy! Love, J+L

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